Within our school, we feel the pupils’ voice is incredibly important. One of the ways pupils can express their ideas is via the School Council.
The School Council meet twice termly to share and discuss their and others views.
Each class across the age ranges, starting from Reception through to Year 6, have one or two main representatives, for the younger classes these may be older children.
The children are enthusiastic members and are keen to fulfil their role as a Councillor.
Meet Our School Council
Our school council is made up of 7 pupils. This year, in order to be elected, the children had to write a letter to the headteacher expressing why they felt they would be an asset to the school council. More than 2 from each class would mean they would present their ideas to their classes for a vote to then take place. These letters proved to contain many elements of our SHINE motto and were highly commended.
What do the children think about School Council?
They think it is important that as a Councillor they represent everyone in school and carry forward ideas from their peers in class.
They believe they should be an outstanding role model to others in school.
All think it is important to raise money for school and other school supported charities.
School Council is fun and they enjoy coming to meetings to discuss important things.