Our wrap round care is provided by an external provider. Vicky's After School Club provides quality, affordable and accessible childcare for children aged 4 – 11 years within a safe, fun and stimulating environment.
They offer an inclusive service, accessible to all children in the community.
They offer your child ...
A happy, safe and secure setting, allowing them to learn and develop freely within the play centred environment. The opportunity to take responsibility for themselves and their actions
They provide lots of fun and stimulating activities, both in and outdoors including:
Arts and Crafts
Board Games and Puzzles
A wide range of Toys
Music and Drama
Cooking and Baking
Forest School
Games and Sports
Books and cosy reading places to just chill out
Monday – Friday 3.15 pm – 4.15 pm. £5.50
Monday - Friday 3.15 pm – 5.15 pm £11.00
Monday - Thursday (not Friday) 3.15 pm – 6.15 pm £16.50
A snack and a light tea will be provided
Contact Info:
info@vickysafterschoolclub.co.uk Website: