Our governors are made up of a group of dedicated individuals who each have different strengths which complement our governing body. Each governor has a different role to fulfil and meets regularly with the headteacher to discuss their priority. They take an active role within the school, visiting often and being a part of the school’s community.
Alistair Doran
Community Governor & Chair
David Golding
Parent Governor
Robyn Jones
Headteacher / Ex Officio
Parent Governor
Baz Sutherland
Community Governor
Amanda Emslie
Community Governor
Nen Blakesley-Grimes
Community Governor & Chair of Resources Committee
Chris Woodward
Community Governor
Dawn El-Masri
Staff Governor
Dale Baker
Community Governor
Community Governor
Community Governor
What do governors do?
Although the governors have a lot of responsibility with regards to the strategic direction of the school, the headteacher runs the school on a day to day basis. The headteacher and the staff team within the school are the professionals; the governors and not, nor within their roles are they expected to be. Any queries you may have with the day to day routines and practises of the school should be directed to the class teachers primarily and then the headteacher.
Governors make up an important part of the school’s wider senior leadership team each having focus roles and responsibilities within the body. They have a lot of responsibility and with this comes an investment of time to the role through the attendance of regular training courses and meetings.
The governors are expected to work with the Head to promote the improvement and monitor the performance of the school.
Together with the Headteacher, governors set the future direction for the school and decide how the budget should be spent.
Governing bodies make decisions collectively on matters such as performance targets, school policies, and the school’s development plan.
Governors monitor the impact of policies and the use of the school budget. They hear appeals from pupils and staff and consider complaints.
Governors provide the Headteacher with support and advice, drawing on their knowledge and experience. They ask searching questions and respect the Headteacher’s position as the professional leader of the school.
All governing bodies operate on the basis of ‘collective responsibility’. This means that once a decision has been agreed all of the governors share responsibility for it. This applies to parent governors in exactly the same way as the others; parent governors are not ‘parent representatives’ but full, active members of the governing body.
The role of a school governor is a voluntary one; however, claims can be made for basic travel expenses for attending training courses.
We currently have vacancies for two Community Governor. If you are interested in becoming part of the team, or know someone who is, please don’t hesitate to get in touch through the school office for an informal discussion about what is involved.
Governor Committee Membership 2022-2023
Performance and Learning Committee
Baz Sutherland (chair) Alistair Doran David Golding Robyn Jones Dale Baker
Resources Committee
Nen Blakesley-Grimes (chair) Alistair Doran David Golding Chris Woodward Robyn Jones