Headteacher: Mrs R. Jones
01993 842488
Station Road, Brize Norton, OX18 3PL
We SHINE for ourselves and each other with kindness

School Uniforms

We take pride in our appearance here at Brize Norton Primary. Children wear school uniform which consists of our red Brize Norton sweatshirt or cardigan, which is worn with a white polo shirt (logo optional) and navy blue trousers or skirt. In the summer months (Easter to October half term) children may wear white and blue checked dresses and smart navy blue shorts. It is essential that all clothing is named, especially jumpers and cardigans. Children are required to wear smart black school shoes.

Each child should have a pair of navy blue shorts and a plain white T-shirt for PE and in addition in winter, they should have navy tracksuit bottoms/leggings.  There is an option for children to purchase a PE hoody through school, or they can wear the red school jumper.  No football strips or clothing with branding. On PE days your children should come to school wearing their PE kit, for this reason, we also request smart trainers predominantly black or white in colour.
School sweatshirts and hoodies can be purchased from the school office.  This can also be done through the School Money App - purchased items will be delivered to your child's class. Other uniform items can be found on our online shop at www.pmgschoolwear.co.uk. Some parents also donate their children's outgrown uniform allowing the school association to sell this at a reduced cost. Please do ask at the office if you would like to purchase second hand uniform and this can be arranged.

For reasons of safety, children should not wear jewellery in school. If they have their ears pierced, they should wear studs. No responsibility can be accepted for these by staff and they should not be worn on swimming days or PE days. Children are not permitted to wear make-up or nail varnish in school. Watches, however, are allowed. Children with long hair must wear it tied back.

For six weeks a year, children in Key Stage 2 receive swimming lessons at Carterton Leisure Centre for which they need swimwear, a towel, goggles and a swimming hat.

In addition, one afternoon a week our Buccaneers (Reception class) take part in Forest Schools in our own wildlife area. All other classes receive forest school for one term (6-7 weeks) over the course of an academic year. This takes place outdoors whatever the weather, and children need suitable outdoor clothing to change into as well as rain gear and wellies. With our passion for outdoor learning, children should come prepared each day to spend it outside; please check the weather and respond accordingly from coats, scarves and gloves, to sun hat and sun cream. We endeavour to enjoy and make the most of our outside space.
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