In order to see how we provide the best education for children with SEND, please read the following;
You can find information about the Oxfordshire County Council SEN Local Offer on their website, or by
clicking here.
The class teacher primarily has responsibility for identifying children who have SEN through their observations, assessments and daily interactions. Initial concerns will always be shared with parents as well as the SENCo; initial screening and descriptors will then be completed. Teachers will support your child through additional and/or different means to ensure your child can access the curriculum appropriately. As an inclusive school, we seek to support children within the classroom. If you feel your child may have Special Education Needs, you can also make an appointment to speak with the class teacher to discuss your concerns.
Mrs Robyn Jones (headteacher) is the Acting SENCo and Inclusion lead.
Mrs Ash Fox is the Assistant Senco.
The Governing Body in co-operation with the headteacher has a legal responsibility for determining the policy and provision for pupils with SEN.
The SEN Governor is Barry Sutherland (contact through school)
Please contact the school on
01993 842488 and speak to the office if you have an enquiry and they can best direct you, or send an email to